Entrepreneurship is in the air. 54% of Millennials either want to start a business or have already started one according to a 2011 Kauffman Foundation Survey. In addition, 21% of freelancers are still enrolled in university. The barriers that discouraged previous generations' entrepreneurial aspirations have all but crumbled for today’s entrepreneur. The only viable excuse for not starting a business today is simply that you do not desire to do so.
1) Start-up Costs Are Zero.
For a business to appear legitimate in the ancient days of the 1990s, a business needed a physical location (storefront or office), a copier, fax machine, expensive phone system, a neon “open" sign and a receptionist.Today all that is needed is a website, blog, or Facebook page ($0) and a device that is connected to the Internet ($0 since you’re probably reading this from said device). No more need to max out credit cards, dance for venture capitalist or move back in with your parents to fund your idea.
2) Technology Enables Hyper-connectivity.
Mobile technology, cloud computing, blanketed city WiFi and LTE 4G cars enable today’s entrepreneur to work, collaborate, and market from home, the local coffee shop, the beach, or on a road trip. Millions of small businesses are run 100% virtually from a laptop, tablet, or business apps. In fact, j2 Global found that 36% of Millennial entrepreneurs use more than 5 mobile apps to run their businesses.
3) Endless Available Resources & Tools.
Anyone who can leverage today’s hyper-connectivity is at no loss for learning anything. “I don’t know how to build a website or use social media or start a podcast or advertise through Facebook” are now extinct excuses. Tony Robbins says it beautifully, “The defining factor is not resources, it's resourcefulness.” That has never been more true than today. You can use free services like Google, YouTube, podcasts, Udemy, or Coursera to quickly gain the knowledge and skills needed to launch your business. Then find the free (or close to free) web services to manage and grow you business (ex: email, task/project management, virtual assistants, online collaboration and sharing, etc.) It's simply a matter of resourcefulness.
4) Free Global Marketing.
After you launch your business in a coffee shop in an afternoon for $0, you can begin to market your product or service to the world…for free. Social media is a global gateway to connect with potential customers. It takes the right posture and a consistent investment of time. Another free global marketing strategy is content marketing. Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a target audience. Content marketing could be constantly blogging around a specific topic or writing for other publications/blogs or posting your content via relevant social networks.
5) Innovative Problem Solvers Are Invaluable.
Where would any of us be without people who discover new solutions that serve a need in the marketplace? Still bewildered by fire and sleeping outside, I'm sure. Innovative problem solvers are truly invaluable to our economy and the wellbeing of humanity. Mega change is on it's way and we need forwarding thinking entrepreneurs to help chart the right course.
By no means is entrepreneurship easy. It’s a journey that will always require extreme amounts of discipline, focus, resilience, and passion. But the path to entrepreneurship has never been more inviting and accessible. Venture on.
Question: What’s holding you back from launching your business?